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What to Expect the First Year
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The Eternity Cure
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Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins This is one of those books that's been sitting on my TBR list for AGES. I'd see other people's rave reviews, or see this book included on top ten favourite lists, and think that I really, really should read this book SOON. In my defense, I put the book on hold at the library in January, and it finally just came in. So it's not for lack of trying.There isn't much to say about this one, except this: I FREAKIN' LOVED THIS BOOK. From the opening paragraph, I was sucked into the story. I loved Stephanie Perkins' writing, I loved seeing the world through Anna's eyes and I adored all of the characters in the story. I just can't believe that I waited so long before experiencing this book. If you, like me, have someone had this book sitting on your shelf, or your TBR list, for an extended period of time, please read this book. It is as good as everyone says it is, trust me.I've already put her second book on hold, and hoping to be equally captivated by Lola. And, to think, I was in a total reading slump before I picked this book up. Seriously, NOTHING was grabbing my attention -- I must have DNFed half a dozen books in a week! This book is magic. Pure story magic. Review is also posted at: http://writergrrlreads.blogspot.ca/2012/09/anna-and-french-kiss-stephanie-perkins.html