I first heard of this book at Into the Morning Reads, when I saw her post about casting her favourite characters from a variety of different books into one new story (see her full post here; it's awesome). I'd read, and loved, a couple of the books referenced in the post and, since Jenny and I are total book twins, I just knew that I'd love the others. So I put Paranormalcy on hold at the library.It was a rainy Saturday morning, and I curled up with this book and a mug of hot chocolate (courtesy of my lovely hubby, who'd already braved the rain that morning -- is he awesome or what?). Suddenly, it was 1:30 in the afternoon, and I was still in my PJs, but loving every moment in the book. Fortunately, (or unfortunately?) the weather stayed rainy and miserable all weekend, and I was able to savour every moment of Evie's adventures as the book catupulted me towards a satisfying conclusion. And THEN, I found out that it's not over yet -- there's more to the story! I like a series where the book can end, rather than a cliffhanger, but still let the story continue on, as Evie and Lend obviously have much more world-saving to accomplish.One of the things that charmed me in this book is the fact that Kiersten White has woven together a variety of paranormals into one seamless story. Seriously, this book has it all: vampires, werewolves, faeries, shapeshifters and more. And while there were a few little tiny things that irritated me (such as naming each one of Raquel's sighs in italics), on the whole the story was well-paced, the characters were perfectly developed and it was just a really GOOD story. I'm looking forward to reading the next one for sure!Review also posted at: http://writergrrlreads.blogspot.ca/2012/07/paranormalcy-kiersten-white.html