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What to Expect the First Year
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Between Shades of Gray

Between Shades of Gray - Ruta Sepetys Between Shades of Gray isn't an easy book to read, but it's a heartbreakingly beautiful story. The story begins in Lithuania, when 15 year-old Lina's family is arrested by the Soviets and shipped to Siberia on a train.There are so many stories about the Holocaust, each one portraying this horrific era of history from a slightly different perspective, but I have never read a book that told a story like Lina's. Everyone knows the story of the persecution and genocide of the Jewish people under Hitler, but I really didn't know much about what life was like under Stalin until I read this book.Lina has such a fresh voice and the story is told so well. The chapters flow effortlessly and I only put the book down to wipe my eyes before returning to the story. I don't know about any of you, but I remember feeling like my world had shifted somewhat after I read The Diary of Anne Frank for the first time at age 13. Does anyone else remember feeling like that? After I finished the book, I felt like the world would never quite be the same. Between Shades of Gray is similar, yet slightly different than Anne's diary, but will leave you with the same sensation: the world won't quite be the same after you've seen it through Lina's eyes. Review also posted at: http://writergrrlreads.blogspot.com/2012/02/between-shades-of-gray-ruta-sepetys.html