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What to Expect the First Year
Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg, Sandee Hathaway
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The Silver Star
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The Eternity Cure
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The Rivals

The Rivals - Daisy Whitney Usually, I review a book immediately after I finish it, but this one slipped through the cracks for some reason. It wasn't until I saw that Magan @ Rather Be Reading had picked up a copy at the library that I realized that I'd also read the book, but hadn't posted a review! Not that it means the book is unmemorable -- I've just had a busy past few weeks, and it slipped my mind.For those who haven't read The Mockingbirds yet, STOP READING NOW! This book picks up where the first one left off, at the beginning of Alex's senior year, as she prepares to lead the Mockingbirds. The storyline centres around a similar plot line as the first book, the research and trial of a crime at the school, except that Alex gets to experience from the Mockingbirds' side, rather than as the victim. Drug abuse is running rampant at Themis Academy. It's a unique case, since there really isn't a "victim" as the students are using this drug to improve their academic ability and, therefore, bolster the school's reputation. The trial takes an unexpected turn when Alex realizes that it's hard to be on the judging side of the coin when her own friends are under suspicion.I won't spoil anything else (and everything that I've shared so far is on the dust jacket!) but this book is on par with the first in the series. Alex is a likeable character and I found myself eagerly reading through the story, anxious to find out what would happen next and if it would all work out okay. If you liked The Mockingbirds, then you'll definitely enjoy the next installment in the series!Review also posted at: http://writergrrlreads.blogspot.ca/2012/07/the-rivals-daisy-whitney.html