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The Next Best Thing

The Next Best Thing - Jennifer Weiner Jennifer Weiner is definitely one of my "comfort read" authors -- an author whose books I can always depend on for a wholesome good read. The Next Best Thing was no exception. It's the story of Ruth Saunders, whose parents died in a car crash when Ruth was little, leaving Ruth scarred both physically and emotionally, and Ruth is subsequently raised by her spunky and loveable grandmother. During Ruth's extensive surgeries to rebuild her face, her and her grandma bond over television shows like the Golden Girls, and Ruth grows up to be a writer, determined to make it in Hollywood. Both Ruth and Grandma pack their bags for the glitz and glamour of the city, and Ruth attempts to make it in a world that prizes physical appearance over all else, and what ensues is a story that is beautiful and heartwarming.The Next Best Thing is the perfect summer read. It's lighthearted, but has its heartfelt moments that make it a worthwhile read. Jennifer Weiner's writing perfectly balanced throughout the book, mixing in humour and moments that will make your throat close up as you blink back the tears. Highly recommended -- and I just love it when a well-loved author lives up to her previous work and never disappoints! Review also posted at: http://writergrrlreads.blogspot.ca/2012/07/the-next-best-thing-jennifer-weiner.html