I first heard about Second Chance Summer from two amazing bloggers, Magan @ Rather Be Reading and Hannah @ So Obsessed With, and I will be eternally grateful for their encouragement to pick up this book. I read Amy & Roger's Epic Detour first (see my review here), which I loved, so I was super excited when this book arrived in the mail.I waited to read it until the warmer summer weather arrived. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), I started reading the book when the Olympics started, so the storyline didn't have my fullest attention. Normally, I'm pretty sure that I would have polished off the entire book in a day, or two at the most. Instead, due to my Olympic-fuelled distractions, it took me nearly a week from beginning to end. In hindsight, I am glad that I read the book when I was mildly distracted by the television, since it meant that I was able to savour the story in half-an-hour-before-bed installments, rather than gobbling up the entire story at once. Second Chance Summer is a book that is SO GOOD and you want it to NEVER END. Although I knew how the book would ultimately come to its conclusion, I wasn't sure that my heart could handle the ending, so I kept putting the book aside throughout the last 100 pages or so. If I don't read the ending, it won't happen right? Finally, I curled up in bed the night before we were planning a weekend away, determined to finish the last 80 or so pages, since there's nothing that I dislike more than taking an almost-finished book on holidays, because then I have to pack a second book because I'll finish the first one before we've even left the driveway! I read one more chapter that evening and knew that it was going to be a sobfest of an ending, so I decided to just finish the book in the morning before we left. I curled up on the couch with my morning coffee, book in hand and hubby less than an arm's reach away because I was a MESS at the end of this book. Like The Fault in Our Stars times 10. Messy, ugly, sobbing crying, unlike anything I've experienced while reading any other book. And, as mentioned earlier, although the ending of the book is understandable, Morgan Matson lets the events unfold with such heart and feeling that it's impossible to not be captivated and moved along with the characters. With two stellar novels under her belt so far, I cannot WAIT to see what Ms. Matson comes up with next!P.S. I just discovered today that the author also has playlists that she's created for each on of her books. I've been listening to the Second Chance Summer playlist while writing this review and it is awesome -- Morgan and I definitely have some similar tastes in music, and those songs on the list that I hadn't heard of are already new favourites of mine! Check out the playlist here. Review also posted at: http://writergrrlreads.blogspot.ca/2012/08/second-chance-summer-morgan-matson.html