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What to Expect the First Year
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Slammed (Slammed, #1)

Slammed (Slammed, #1) - Colleen Hoover I read Colleen Hoover's Hopeless last month and LOVED IT. Couldn't put it down and read the entire thing in only a couple of days. Afterwards, I put Slammed on hold at the library, excited to dive into another of Colleen's novels.I wasn't as impressed with this one as I was with Hopeless. Don't get me wrong, Colleen can tell a story -- I gobbled this one up almost as quickly as I did with Hopeless. It was just the subject material that rubbed me the wrong way. As the wife of a high school English teacher, there's just something about teachers falling in love with students that bugs me. The age difference isn't huge between Layker and Will, which made the story bearable, since I probably would have DNFed it if it was an older man falling for a teenage girl. Especially when it's a teacher who's in a position of trust. The love story in this book is believable though since, as I mentioned before, it's not a fifteen year age gap or anything like that. Will and Layker do have a fair bit in common since there's only a few years' age difference between them. I also really liked the slam poetry used in the book -- an art form that I've never seen used in a novel before, but very effectively used in this one.With that being said, I will read the companion novel, Point of Retreat, because Colleen Hoover can tell a really good story.