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What to Expect the First Year
Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg, Sandee Hathaway
Me Before You
Jojo Moyes
The Silver Star
Jeannette Walls
The Eternity Cure
Julie Kagawa


Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides When I picked this book up from the bookstore, after my book club selected it as our next read, my expectations dropped as soon as I saw the "Pulitzer Prize Winner" sticker on the front of the book. I've never had good luck with award winners; they're usually too "arty." But Middlesex grabbed me from the first page and I couldn't put it down. It's the story of a Greek-American hermaphrodite who is born a girl, but undergoes a transformation into a boy later in life. The novel also covers Cal's whole family history. The story is so beautifully written that I even slowed down towards the end because I didn't want the book to end.